
Monday, November 23, 2009

Senate to Begin Debating Healthcare Reform on Monday, November 30th

After months and months of waiting, the Senate finally has a healthcare reform proposal, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, that will begin being debated on Monday, November 30th. The Senate voted this past Saturday to invoke cloture and had the magic number of 60 votes, which means there is no opportunity for those opposed to the legislation to filibuster. It also means there will eventually be a floor vote in the Senate. When that will occur and how the bill will look by the time a floor vote comes; remains to be seen.

There are many rural provisions and amendments that our national partner organization, the National Rural Health Association, hope are added to the Senate bill. For a specific list of these rural provisions, please click HERE.

Now is the time to contact Senator Udall and Senator Bennet and urge their support for these rural amendments.

I'd like to contact Senator Udall.
I'd like to contact Senator Bennet.