Welcome back to Colorado!
I spent the past 4 days in Washington D.C., participating in the National Rural Health Association's (NRHA) Policy Institute. It was an amazing experience! Monday was spent learning about key rural health provisions that have lapsed for rural providers (bonus Medicare payments), in addition to learning about other important issues impacting rural healthcare entities. One issue in particular that CRHC will be providing comment on involves the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) ruling on "meaningful use" in regards to HIT funds. The comment period will close on March 1st and we may be asking some of you for your input and feedback to submit to CMS. Stay tuned for more information about this proposed rule.....
Tuesday consisted of Hill visits with a delegation of Coloradans who educated healthcare staffers and some of our congressional leaders on rural healthcare concerns. I tell you what folks, we have some amazing champions on our side in Washington. Senator Udall and his healthcare staffer were extremely savvy and aware of the needs and issues surrounding rural Coloradans having the ability to access healthcare services. Big thanks to the Senator and his office for drafting the Rural Physcian Pipeline Act, which would provide grants for Rural Training Track programs in medical schools in efforts to improve the healthcare workforce practicing in rural areas. Senator Bennet and his healthcare staffer were also very knowledgable about rural healthcare needs and have also drafted a bill with some extrememly important rural provisions that will hopefully be passed regardless of healthcare reform.
Our group also met with Congressman Lamborn's staff, Congresswoman Markey's staff, and Congressman Salazar's office (see pic above). Our message focused on the importance of Rural Health Clinics to our healthcare safety net and providing equity in reimbursement rates for rural providers.
Now that I'm back home (thank goodness! loved lobbying on Capitol Hill, but D.C. is an odd, odd city) I'm catching up on all the fun that is happening at our state capitol and will be updating the CRHC bill tracker as soon as I can. Enjoy!