
Monday, December 19, 2011

Update on Medicare Provisions

This weekend the U.S. Senate passed legislation that, for a two-month period, would extend the payroll tax holiday along with several Medicare provisions, including an update for the sustainable growth rate within the physician fee schedule as well as rural specific provisions such as the outpatient hold harmless provision, Medicare Section 508 reclassification, reimbursement increases for ambulance services, rural mental health add-ons, and extension of therapy cap exemptions. U.S. House Republican leaders have indicated they will oppose the Senate-passed legislation in favor of a version the House passed last week. The House is advocating for a formal conference between House and Senate to reconcile differences although the possibilities of convening a committee in the last two weeks of the year is uncertain.   

Please visit the National Rural Health Association’s website for an update on these issues. We will continue to post new information and opportunities to contact your elected officials as these issues develop.