
Monday, March 25, 2013

Study Says Medicaid Expansion for All States Would Pay Hospitals More By 2022

According to a study by the Urban Institute funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, states that expand Medicaid could see $2.59 gained in Medicaid revenue for every private insurance dollar lost. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), states have the option to raise the income eligibility mark for Medicaid to 133% of the federal poverty line starting in 2014 in exchange for full federal funding for the expansion for three years and not less than 90% of the added cost after that. Read about the study here, which examined current low-income patients who have private insurance but would be newly eligible for Medicaid coverage if the state expanded the program. In Colorado, Senate Bill 13-200 is making its way through the legislative process. If passed, Colorado will expand Medicaid eligibility to 133% beginning in 2014.